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Lenovo CEO: January restructuring opportune

/ 4 February, 2014

yang_yuanqing_lenovo400Lenovo chairman and CEO Yang Yuanqing has buy viagra online without prescription said that January was the perfect time to restructure the company.

The PC vendor has adapted to contain four pillars: its PC Business Group, Mobile Business Group, Enterprise Ecosystem, and Cloud Services.

Liu Jun, who had lead the Lenovo Business Group, use cialis and Gerry Smith, who headed up its Americas Group, have been promoted from Senior Vice Presidents to Executive Vice Presidents.

CFO Wong Wai Ming has also been promoted to Executive Vice President.

Yang Yuanqing, Chairman & CEO, Lenovo, said, “Today, Lenovo is in one of the most important and exciting phases in our history.  We are the number 1 PC company in the why does levitra not work world.  We are number 3 in Smart Connected Devices.  And we just announced the intent to make an acquisition that will make us a significant competitor in the Enterrprise space.

“Given that momentum, now is the perfect time to prepare for the next phase in our growth.

To do this, it is necessary to build new businesses and new pillars for our company.  We will leverage our strength and competitive advantage in our traditional PC business, while also creating strong, profitable new businesses that can capture the growth opportunities in the market.

“We know we must anticipate the next set of opportunities for our company, and we are preparing our organization for the future.  This way Lenovo can not only continue as the world PC leader, but become a true leader in the PC+ era.”

Lenovo shipped 14.6 million tablets and smartphones, and 14 million PCs in the last reported quarter.