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FireEye announces OS update

/ 4 February, 2014

lockFireEye has announced the release of FireEye OS 7.1, the update to the FireEye OS.

FireEye says OS 7.1 offers more scalable management capabilities to its CM series, IPv6 network security support to the NX series, and enhanced email threat analysis capabilities to its EX series.

The new version introduces security analysis of IPv6 network traffic within the NX series and enhanced cheapest viagra price email analysis of malicious files delivered through HTTP in the EX series.

It introduces scanning of URLs sent via email that link to malicious files, and analyses emails for malicious attachments and performs email Everyone should use this product. If the gut isn't working right than all the other products you take will not be able to do there job viagra for less in the united. Discuss your general health status with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to engage in sexual activity. header analysis and analyses the URLs linking to suspicious files.

“Organisations of all sizes are experiencing higher volume and more sophisticated attacks as cybercriminals take advantage of weaknesses in traditional email security solutions and use the scale of the internet to their advantage,” said Manish Gupta, pharmacy discount.com Senior Vice President, Products, FireEye. “With the latest version of FireEye OS we’ve added more capabilities to our threat protection platform to augment email security and simplified the management of virtual machine threat protection, making it easier to scale their FireEye deployment and take back the advantages of technology and scale from cybercriminals.”